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Monday, 27 November 2017

Comment right.

This is my blog comment and this is what I should practice doing.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Learn your basic facts!

This is the timetables and divides I know and next time
I will learn more also get better.

Thursday, 19 October 2017


This is my video that I made on powtoon and it is about greeting people the right
way if you go on someone else is blog. If you want to create a video like this then
click on this link> Thank you!!!
Please comment down below of what I need to achieve. PLEASE!!!!
THANK YOU!!!.😁😁😁

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


HELLO!!!This is a poster I made that is about saving all African elephants! If you love elephants as much as I do then you should read this because is it advice to look after elephants and please can you comment to me down there and I hope you enjoy reading it BYE!!!!!😁😃😄

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


Hello my name is Lile and this is an animation I had made with my teachers.
you can see I have put speech bubbles in my animation so you can see what they
are saying.


Hi , I am going to tech you about place value.When you see the slid you could see that I have used some block to figure out the sum's questions that my teacher has given to me to figer out so you can have a look at what I have done in in my math's working out slide.😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

Friday, 31 March 2017

Answer the question!

                                        WALT: Asking question's to help to help us understand our reading
I am learning to 

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

The power of forces!

We are learning about the four forces.
Hi I am learning about forces.Me and my class were flying paper planes to see the lifting force under our planes.We looked at videos about Motion , Thrust , Lift and Gravity. We all talked about it in groups and
we also wrote about it as well.

I learnt that motion is a force of push and without forces there is no motion.
I thought organizing my ides together was hard.
The easy thing was talking obliviously.

Please leave a positive and helpful comment to help me move forward
with my learning.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Place value

This is called place value and I have  lined up my answers and add them all up
to get my answers on the sums that my teacher sally gave me.