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Monday, 26 November 2018

S.L.J Paying it foward

In the 1930 they offend use money to buy gifts and treats to one another including there self.But I am now imagining what I'ed like to give to a family of children in the 1930's and as most family's want is happiness and bright smile's of there children but I on the other hand can't grant them that wish so I choose this gift to give and it is a chocolate bar for the children and a nice calm piano or harp song for the parents but if the parents get board of the music I've got a back up ... a little puppy! I'ed also give them a family show just to see them smile and laugh and some time in the park with the whole family with  each other, lastly I'ed give the children a enrolment for school if they want to.

I've choose these things to give because the chocolate is delicious, the music is calm, the puppy is cute, the family show is a good laughing medicine and lastly the family time is a great opportunity to know more about your family! Who does not want to go to school to get a job and live a good life with a new family. 😆😇😉

If you want to write something like this go to Summer Learning Journey! (it's an awesome site)

Thursday, 15 November 2018

WALT: Record our ideas

What did I learn?
I learnt how to get data on my graph

What was hard?
doing the challenge

what was easy?
typing the numbers and words

what was fun/lame?
It was fun colouring the sheet
It was lame doing the experiment 

Friday, 2 November 2018

WALT:reflect on our learning

WALT:Learn meanings of Te reo words

You can also do your own on paper with your friends or even with your whole class! And the fun thing is that it can be any language