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Tuesday, 21 March 2017

The power of forces!

We are learning about the four forces.
Hi I am learning about forces.Me and my class were flying paper planes to see the lifting force under our planes.We looked at videos about Motion , Thrust , Lift and Gravity. We all talked about it in groups and
we also wrote about it as well.

I learnt that motion is a force of push and without forces there is no motion.
I thought organizing my ides together was hard.
The easy thing was talking obliviously.

Please leave a positive and helpful comment to help me move forward
with my learning.


  1. Hi Lile
    Thank you for your neatly planned post. It is very easy to read with the headings in colour and paragraphs. Can you explain to me a bit more, what do you mean if you say balance is the same as friction? Did you do an experiment to test these facts, if you did, what did you do?
    Kind Regards
    Mrs M

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Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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