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Friday, 13 April 2018

READING IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Lile, Jake here from Awahono School. I really like your reading post. I like how you've said how much you love reading because it's really encouraging people to read more books. What's your favourite thing about reading books? Keep up the great work!
    kind regards

  2. Hi Lile, I'm Jackson from Awahono School. I like how you have expressed how you love reading so much. But how did you get the idea to write about reading?

  3. Hi Lile, Alex here from Awahono School. What sort of books do you like to read? How much a day do you read?
    Kind regards

  4. Hi I am Tane from Awahono School.I enjoyed reading your post. I like that you like to read books in your room when you get home. I also like to read books when I am at home, the book I reading is Beast Queast. Here is my link to my blog:

  5. Hi Lile, my name is Aahana from Waikohai Primary School. I really enjoyed reading your post. What sort of books do you like to read?How did you get the idea to write about reading? The book that l'm reading is written by Jacqueline Wilson, My diary, I got it from the Auckland library. It is a really cool book. I suggest that you read it. If you want to check out my blog here it is.

    Kind regards

  6. Hi Lile my name is Jia from Waikowhai Primary School.I really liked that you love to read books. It reminded me of myself and my best friend Ama cause both of us just love reading a lot. Would you like to work in a library when you grow up? If you want to check out my blog go to

  7. Hi Lile, my name is Ama from waikowhai primary school. I like your post about books because you added lots of detail and I also like the way you explained some of your writing.
    If you would like to visit my blog go to

  8. Kia Ora Lile, my name is Anuk from the Manukau class at Waikowhai Primary School. You've done a great job writing for your love of reading. I didn't expect for you to say that you'd die for reading!
    This post reminds me of my love for reading as well, maybe next time you could talk about things you enjoy about reading, also what is your favourite book series?
    P.S Mines Harry Potter!

    If you'd like to visit my blog, head to



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