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Tuesday, 13 March 2018

WALT use different strategy's to solve problems.

This is my slide of math equations that I solved all by my self and first  I made the slide
and then I got my white board and my white board marker to solve it and next I took pictures of each one I did with my white board and now finally I put the pictures on the slide and that is how I made my slide.
The hard thing about it was the adding and the jumping and photoing it was so frustrating for me!!!
But I done it and that is all that matters.
The easy part was making the slide and asking for help.

I really hope you enjoyed and please comment down below also if you like you can solve one of the  equations I did just for fun.
Okay bye bloggers!!!!


  1. Hey Lile,

    I am really impressed with your maths work. Next time, why don't you just video yourself doing one of the problems. That way you don't need to take the photos.

    Can't wait to see you use some more strategies. :)

  2. Hi Lile, my name is Maryam and I go to Waikowhai primary school I like how you talked about your maths but if you could post more maths that would be great!!! you should go to my blog


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